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Forensic Investigations
Ship Impact Study: Analytical Approaches and Finite Element Modeling
The current paper presents the results of a ship impact study conducted using various analytical approaches available in the literature with the results obtained from detailed finite element analysis. Considering a typical container vessel impacting a rigid wall with an initial speed of 10 knots, the study investigates the forces imparted on the struck obstacle, the energy dissipated through inelastic deformation, penetration, local deformation patterns, and local failure of the ship elements.

Biomechanics & Life Sciences
Aortas, Aneurysms, & AI
In this demonstration, the goal of the in silico trial is to assess the efficacy and safety of a generic, representative stent graft for the treatment of a thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA). We used finite element analysis (FEA) for surgery simulation, along with Python packages for machine learning (ML) and data visualization.

Hydrogen Engineering
Consideration Of The Threat from Hydrogen As We Expand Its Use
Hydrogen has been used for many years across a number of industries and its characteristics as a flammable fluid are well known. As the world starts its progression to net zero, hydrogen is seen as a form of energy that is both transportable and flexible and can replace traditional hydrocarbon fuels. Looking forward, there exists plans for uses of liquid and gaseous hydrogen at much wider ranges of volumes and pressures than are typical of current hydrocarbon projects.

Hydrogen Engineering
Hydrogen Explosion Events and Comparison with Methane
The use of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas presents all of the hazards we associate with natural gas although the extent of the hazards can be greater for hydrogen; the flammability ranges in air for hydrogen are 4 % to 75 % by volume, high pressure releases of hydrogen can auto-ignite and hydrogen explosions can be more severe as hydrogen is more prone to detonation.
This paper provides background and insight into the potential for the ignition of a hydrogen in air mixture to reach detonation in comparison with methane, and the impact that can have on structures.

Biomechanics & Life Sciences
AI Engine in Silico Trials: Aortic Graft Stent Demonstrator
The medical device industry recognizes the general motivation for in silico trials. The CORE.AI project at Thornton Tomasetti aims to create an automated workflow for medical device in silico trials. In this work, the goal of the in-silico trial is to assess the efficacy and safety of a generic, representative thoracic stent graft for the treatment of a thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA).

Forensic Investigations
Arecibo Telescope Collapse Forensic Report
It took just seconds for the 900-ton instrument platform at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico to come crashing down into the 305-meter-wide dish, destroying the iconic radio telescope. A Thornton Tomasetti team of forensic engineers worked to determine the cause of the failure. Our findings were released by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in August 2022.

Hydrogen Engineering
Review of the Current Understanding of Hydrogen Jet Fires and the Potential Effect on PFP Performance
The fast-developing energy transition, with a target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, will include a significant expansion in the use of hydrogen. The roles for hydrogen being considered include energy transportation and storage, land transport, maritime propulsion, domestic heating and ‘hard to de-carbonise’ industry. In gaseous form, due to its low density, hydrogen tends to be stored at high pressure, often measured in 100s of bar, though the pressure range will depend on the application.

Forensic Investigations
High Fidelity Modeling of Hail Impact on Metal Roofs
Hail storms pose substantial risks to property and an array of challenges to various stakeholders, including insurance companies, roof manufacturers, and owners and design teams making decisions on the serviceability of exterior materials. This paper introduces an analytical model that can simulate hail impact (see also simulation videos).