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Mount Washington Resort Spa and Conference Center

Housing a spa and convention center, a two-story addition to the resort features a landscaped roof venue that integrates it with its alpine environment.

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Project Details

Project Partners
Jung Brannen Associates
Mount Washington Resort
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire
Completion Date
40,000 ft²
Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Wangkun Jia/Shutterstock


Housing a spa and convention center, a two-story addition to the resort features a landscaped roof venue that integrates with its alpine environment. We provided structural design services to Mount Washington Resort for the addition to the historic property in New Hampshire.

The 25,000-square-foot health spa is located on the lower level and the 20,000-square-foot conference center is on the upper level. The landscaped roof, called the “Jewell Terrace,” features native plants and is designed for outdoor events such as weddings and receptions. It also contributes to the energy efficiency of the structure and minimizes storm water run-off.


  • The structural system consists of structural steel framing on a cast-in-place concrete foundation, with sheer walls and moment frames for lateral resistance.
  • We laid out a program of test borings and provided foundation design recommendations for the new facility, which extended two levels below grade adjacent to the hotel.
  • We designed a tied-back soldier pile and lagging system to support the foundations of the existing hotel and the landmark porch that surrounds it.
