Emergency Preparedness Planning
Emergency preparedness is essential in expediting the return to full functionality following a hazardous event.
Successful resilience solutions have an actionable plan in place for the end user to maintain operations before a hazardous event occurs. While emergency planning and preparedness may sometimes come as an afterthought when a project is near completion, Thornton Tomasetti takes a proactive approach. We incorporate planning, preparedness and operations and maintenance considerations in early project stages. Ultimately, emergency preparedness is essential to expediting a return to full functionality following a hazardous event.
Here's How
Building a Culture of Resilience
Emergency preparedness measures aim to protect life, limit economic losses, minimize downtime, and promote business continuity. We often find that there is a lack of emergency action planning during a project’s design phase. This can lead to costly changes – even as late as construction – that impact schedule and budget. We work directly with you to incorporate your feedback early in the design process and build a culture of resilience within an organization. We help you identify target performance objectives, evaluate any existing operational processes and systems, and incorporate best practices for future crisis and emergency management.
Business Continuity
Operational disruption resulting from major hazardous events is not limited to the physical building- and site-related damage. They can also have area-wide impacts, such as interrupted power, water and transportation systems. We work with you to deliver actionable plans that include in-place measures to achieve continuous occupancy or quick post-event functional recovery. Our emergency preparedness capabilities include back-up energy sources and utility redundancy, when desired. We optimize energy systems and minimize resource consumption to provide emergency backup utility supplies and enhance sustainability.
Our services include:
- Community resilience initiatives
- Deployment strategies
- Emergency preparedness plans
- Evacuation modeling and egress plans
- Flood barrier testing
- Flood emergency action plans
- Hazard GIS mapping
- Integrated energy resilience
- Periodic reviews, ongoing monitoring and adaptation
- Recovery and response
- Resource planning
- Site inspections
- Training and education
- Trigger conditions and preparation timelines